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Tech News Monday: CES, Free Facebook Business Cards + Post-Death Status Updates

Tech News Monday: CES, Free Facebook Business Cards + Post-Death Status Updates, On Monday’s news video, Kim starts by telling us where Sassi BoB and Schmittastic are, and what we can expect from them this week. Big Hint: CES. In non-CES news, Kim tells you how to get free business cards with a Facebook twist.
For a limited time, you can get a free sampling of’s innovative Facebook Timeline inspired business cards. Also, there is a new app on Facebook that will send out one last message to your friends, should you die. Morbid? Yes. But it’s also a fairly innovative way to handle death in the digital world, which for the most part has remained untouched territory.

Here are links to the products mentioned:
PowerTrekk Fuel Cell Charger: Custom Printing:
“If I Die” Facebook App Official Site:,

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